Strong language, really bad language. A lot of what was blocked off in the Stephen King essay can be seen in every page of this book, just a warning for what you're about to read.
Page 33-34
"It is not the emotion you are experiencing but the experience you are engaging. You cannot be defined by the feeling if no one knows what you are feeling, so it is the reaction that is the quote-unquote "sin." Why is the church so scared of people feeling anything? I have a theory. I think it is because organized religion makes such an effort to control what people do that it makes sense to control how people feel, rage in particular because it is a natural reaction to anyone or anything controlling their lives. So how do you get people to stop getting mad when you tell them what to do and how to think? Tell them it's a sin. That is what's called a self-realizing philosophy. It is also virtually impenetrable the further you get away from the actual inception. In Martin Luther's day, you might have been able to reverse something so manipulative. Today, with, with hundreds of years of dogma and successful brainwashing under their belt, you can pound your first against the walls of blind acceptance all you want. All you will end up with are bloody knuckles and modern frustration.
Yeah, if you could not tell, I have a big problem with religions. Organized religion has been the blueprint for more missteps than anything I have ever seen in my life. The thing I realized early on is that for an organization that preaches the benefits of love and calls anger a sin, they certainly breed a very opinionated and angry group of people, don't they? As I have said, hypocrisy is one of the biggest sins in the world. The effect of hypocrisy is that people are told to be one way, while the righteous can do what they please.
These people can sincerely go fuck themselves.
Much like lust, the only other "sin" that can be miconstrued as an emotion, there's a stigma attached to rage that has been dog piled by years of misrepresentation and fear. When a person gets mad, people are conditioned to think that person is immediately going to do something terrible. Some of this can be attributed to what they call "the caveman gene," but a lot of it comes down to propaganda. If I get angry, a majority of the people will automatically think I am going to kill someone or beat my kids or rape a horse or something else equally insipid. What is the bigger sin: the anger or the mudslinging about the anger?"
I chose this page to analyze because even before reading this novel, I felt a bitterness towards the majority of the followers of any religion. No religion should control how you would like to live your life. I'm a Christian and I do believe in a God, but I also believe that he is looking down at us in shame for everything we've done. From The Crusades of the late 11th century, to the recent protests of the Westboro Baptist Church, we Christians don't have anything figured out. I have a feeling that if I ever meet God at the Pearly Gates, the first thing he's going to say to me is "I apologize on behalf of my other followers." I'm sorry for getting off topic, just venting.
Corey Taylor clearly shows that he is frustrated. The book is written as if he was just at the bar venting to one of his friends for hours. I can also see a bit of persuasion, particularly when he is speaking about why he believes anger is not a sin, but for the most part, he leaves everything up to the reader to decide.
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